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Cajas sobre rodillo transportador


Somos una empresa que brinda dirección física en  USA Y China para tus compras o encargos internacionales, sabemos que en este tipo de servicio el costo es muy importante es por ello que contamos con una tarifa muy económica. 


En un corto plazo ser una marca reconocida a nivel local, nacional e internacional de transporte y distribución de paquetería 

Video Celular Historia Instagram Frase M


Transportar paquetería a nivel local, nacional e internacional y de forma segura con personal dedicado


La empresa se compromete a ofrecer un servicio rápido y efectivo para entregar los paquetes a tiempo

Los clientes pueden confiar en que sus envíos estarán seguros y serán tratados con responsabilidad y cuidado

Nos comprometemos a brindar un excelente servicio al cliente, respondiendo a sus necesidades y preocupaciones de manera amigable.

Cajas Organizadoras

¿Por qué elegirnos?

Tarifas económicas

Asesoría aduanera 

agentes acreditados del MTC y aduanas

Brown Orange Delivery Service Instagram
Brown Orange Delivery Service Instagram
WhatsApp Image 2024-01-30 at 10_edited.p

Como funciona en simples pasos 

1.- Te afilias a CITY BOX PERU.

2.- Compras por internet. (como comprar)

3.- Pones para tu compra como dirección de entrega a nuestra oficina de Miami

4.- Tu paquete llega a nuestra oficina de Miami

5.- Transportamos tu compra a Lima

6.- Realizamos los tramites correspondiente en aduanas para la liberar tu paquete

7.- Tu paquete está listo para su entrega o recojo

We are a company that provides a PHYSICAL ADDRESS IN MIAMI to put as a delivery address for your purchases or international orders, our GREAT DIFFERENCE compared to OUR COMPETENCES are DAILY FLIGHTS, we know that in this type of service the cost and TIME is very important is That is why we have a very cheap rate and WITH DAILY FLIGHTS FROM MIAMI TO LIMA. (purchases in the USA, purchases in the USA, purchases online, purchases in the United States, purchases online)



1.- You join CITY BOX PERU.

2.- Online purchases. (how to buy)

3.- You put for your purchase as delivery address to our Miami office

4.- Your package arrives at our Miami office

5.- We transport your purchase to Lima

6.- We carry out the corresponding procedures in customs to release your package

7.- Your package is ready for delivery or pick up.



1* TIME: Our flights are daily (working days) from Miami to Lima, THAT MEANS, IF YOUR PACKAGE ARRIVES OUR MIAMI WAREHOUSE TODAY before 9:30am, we ship it today so that it arrives tomorrow in LIMA, additionally put 1 or 2 approximate days for customs procedures and release.

2* RATE: Our international service rate is very cheap, also the heavier the package, a discount will be progressively discounted with discounts of 5, 7 and 10% for freight.

3* ACCREDITED AGENTS: We are accredited agents of the MTC and customs, in this way you will avoid delays in customs procedures without the need to outsource the service.

4* FREE ADVICE: Customs advice and purchases online at NO COST for all our affiliated clients and for affiliating.

5* OUR DIFFERENCE: Service is similar to large companies in the middle but with a cost of 3 times less than theirs, so we consolidate cargo from Miami.


 They are several but the most co mons are the following:

1.- Communication equipment such as telephones, tablets, routers, iphones, etc. (They need permission from the MTC (Ministry of Transport), the process is simple and free of charge)

2.- Supplements, medicines, vitamins (EDIGESA permit)

3.- Medical equipment (DIGEMID permit)


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1.- Goods with a value of less than 200 dollars

2.- Educational books regardless of value.



1.- Goods with a value between 201 and 2,000 dollars pay 22% of the CIF value (sum of the FOB VALUE + FREIGHT + INSURANCE)

2.- Merchandise with a value greater than 2,000 dollars, the percentage (%) is paid according to the tariff heading that the item belongs to, for this, consult our legal customs department, which will advise you at no cost.


          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_      Here it can be divided into 2 parts:

1.- With DNI: you can only import 3 times a year

2.- With RUC: you can bring unlimited times and as long as you want.



1.- More than 1,490 companies in the media that buy articles and supplies from the US for their business using and trusting our service, to mention a few:- Universidad de la Pontificia, Banco Central de Reserva, Universidad Esan, Backus, Universidad of Lima, etc.

2.- More than 3,210 people who TRUST OUR SERVICE, these people are made up of students, housewives, workers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. who bring items for personal use or their small businesses. Additional Information.


If you need more additional information, keep writing to us at or find us on FACEBOOK as “compra united states” we are here to answer any questions you may have.

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