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  Tips for making a purchase  

 Before Purchase : 


Compra solo en paginas recomendadas


Procura hacer tu compra en una PC personal y no en cabinas publicas​​​


Si no cuentas con una tarjeta de credito usa la nuestra


Usa una courier de confianza, con autorizaciones y permisos del MTC y aduanas para evitar problemas en el tramite de aduanas

  En la Compra : 


Verificar la descripcion, talla, modelo, marca, nuevo, usado, valor, etc del articulo antes de añadirlo al carrito de compras


Antes de concluir la compra y realizar el pago verificar una ves mas la cantidad y valor que estas pagando


Cuando pagues al proveedor haslo en la misma moneda que vende mas no al cambio porque el banco te va cobrara el tipo de cambio mas alto


Los datos del consignatario deben estar correcto junto con el codigo que CITY BOX le entrego despues de afiliarse


Escribe correctamente los datos de la DIRECCION DE ENTREGA (Shipping Address)


En el caso que necesites consolidar pidele al proveedor para que tus compras lleguen en un solo envio, ellos lo haran siempre que puedan

 After Purchase : 



1.- Buy only on recommended pages

2.- Try to make your purchase on a PC where only you use it, but not in public booths.

3.- If you don't have a credit card, use ours.

4.- Use a very reliable courier company with permits and authorizations from the MTC and customs to avoid major problems in the customs process.



1.- Check the description, size, model, brand, new, used, value, etc. of the item before adding it to the shopping cart. 

2.- Before concluding the purchase and making the payment, verify once again the amount and value that you are paying. 

3.- The data of the consignee must be correct along with the code that CITY BOX gave you after joining.

4.- Write correctly the data of the DELIVERY ADDRESS (Shipping Address).

5.- When you pay the supplier, do it in the same currency that it sells but not in exchange because the bank will charge you the highest exchange rate

6.- In the event that you need to consolidate, ask the supplier so that your purchases arrive in a single shipment, they will do so whenever they can.



1.- Check the details of your purchase order that will arrive in your email.

2.- Check the tracking of your shipment from the supplier to the CITY BOX office in Miami.




NOTE: If you need more advice for your purchases and imports, you can contact our office. We have several specialists who will help you at no cost.

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